Monday, March 8, 2010

Night on the town

 We were out late last night, late for us anyway, but more about that later…. Suffice it to say we weren’t hitting on all cylinders when early this morning, barely halfway into the morning coffee I stepped out the back door to hear a loud beeping coming from the RV.

We have all kinds of alarms – propane, fire, and who knows what else, so I hurried over to investigate. The specific cause of the increasingly irritating sound was not to be traced. First the sound seemed to be coming from one corner, then another, then through the ceiling vents. Steve remembered we’d removed the smoke alarm, though I distinctly remembered putting it back, it wasn’t on it’s bracket, so we were that far in identifying the cause, but we still couldn’t find it. We worked our way through every cupboard inside and out, but the little thing eluded us. It seemed to be coming from the roof! Not possible…. So we tore apart the cupboards again….. finally Steve climbed up on a ladder and looked on top of the living room slide. He instructed me to pull the slide in a few inches and reach up, and there it was. Apparently I HAD reinstalled it, I just didn’t do a very good job of it! It must of popped off when we hit a bump and landed on the slide, and then when we pushed the slide out here at home it ended up outside. What a way to start a Monday!

Now, about our evening out.

We had tickets for the Texas Heritage Songwriters Association Hall of Fame Awards Show, so had an early dinner here and then headed up to Austin. We picked up the tickets at will-call just as  they were opening the doors, and a gentleman looking remarkably like the Master of Ceremonies, Red Steagal, opened the door for us and motioned us through. Of course, everyone was dressed in western hats and boots, so he could have been anyone….. only when he walked out on stage did we realize it really was Red Steagal!! Not surprising I guess as western entertainers seem to be a very friendly lot. The show was a great combination of interviews with the award recipients and live music.  The show featured interviews with all of this year's recipients, and ended with a session featuring Lee Roy Parnell, Clint Black and Mac Davis playing some of their own favorites of all the songs they've written interspersed with telling stories. Very informal and great fun! Hey Grayce! I had a Makers Mark at the bar before the show just for you!

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