Monday, July 9, 2012

On the Road Again!

The repairs are all done, the groceries packed, and we're on the road again, leaving the blistering heat and thunderstorms behind, heading northwest - right in to more of the same. Looks like we'll have the same weather pretty much all the way to California.

First night's stop is San Angelo State Park. The park map and several signs inform the visitor "Swim at your own risk" - not much chance of a risk, as there's not a drop of water in the reservoir. We were grateful for the icy drops of rain in the thunderstorm that hit just as we were pulling into our site, and the song birds seemed grateful as well, chirping and singing their little hearts out high up in the mesquites that rim the campground. Toward sunset the blue gray clouds to the south made a beautiful contrast to the lime green mesquite fronds and the blue green of the prickly pear cactus with their ruby red fruits. Lightening arched and thunder boomed, and soon we had a small downpour - just enough to make a few mud puddles for Shiner to sink her belly in. The storm did cool things off a bit, down to about 85, which was a pleasant change from the 103 when we arrived. Steve spent most of the evening straightening out the new air card, which had worked beautifully at home but of course had a change of heart once we hit the road. Upgrades are never as "seamless" as they are claimed to be!

In the morning Shiner and I took a walk, examining the nearby boat ramp, identifiable more by the sign nearby than by the presence of any water. Most of the ramp is now  covered with shrubs, it's been so long since the lake has been high enough to actually use the ramp. Shiner played chase with a night hawk in the parking lot, then tracked several invisible critters in the brush, eventually coming back with several cactus thorns and a few bug bites on her legs. She's fitting well into the camp dog role!

We're  heading for Roswell, New Mexico, watching for visiting aliens along the way!

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